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Includes several of my favorite backpacking recipes.
Start dehydrating food for home and trail today, and keep the recipes coming with your free subscription.
"Hi Chef Glenn! Thanks so much for your page. I ordered one of your books because I have been getting your newsletters for like five years!" -Lara
Subscribe today and you will also receive a discount code for 25% off the e-book format of Recipes for Adventure II: The Best of Trail Bytes. Discount code will be in your confirmation e-mail.
Recipes for Adventure II features backpacking recipes and food dehydrating techniques collected from over 100 issues of Trail Bytes, plus new topics that will make your backpacking meals as memorable as your adventures.
Recipes for Adventure II: The Best of Trail Bytes.
really enjoyed your newsletter, especially your thoughts on how we are all
backpacking chefs. I appreciate all of the work you have done to bring the
world a great dehydrating resource. Thank you!" -Julie
Each monthly issue of Trail Bytes delivers a new backpacking recipe and features a new food dehydration skill.
You also gain access to the archives of all Trail Bytes back issues.
You will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription. After you confirm, you will receive a welcome message with a link to download the free e-book.
"This newsletter might be one of the best I receive. Short but sweet, sent at regular intervals but not even close to too much. Useful and thoughtful. The recipes are great and make me think of new ways to use my dehydrator, one of my favourite kitchen tools. I really love these, thanks so much chef!"–Ella Jane
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"I so enjoy your monthly emails. Best wishes for the holidays and the coming year." -Wendy
"Just wanted to let you know I really like and appreciate all your recipes." -Milo
"Thanks so much for your wonderful website and books. I have been subscribing to your newsletter for years, and every month it is a joy to see what gems you are sharing with your followers! Gute Gesundheit to you and Dominique!" -Stella
"Chef - thanks again for all your work and sharing information. I am continually amazed with what you develop. We recently had the Hawaiian Shrimp Rice and Pineapple meal from your book. Very pleased with the end product and really easy even just using a jet boil. Peaches and tomatoes are plentiful right now so thanks for covering those topics." -Ron
"Dude! Thank you SO MUCH for exploring tofu and telling us all how to do it. I really appreciate it!" -Kirstin
"Thanks for another great newsletter. I have happily used your ground beef dehydrating tips for a few years now. And, my stash of dehydrated foods has been a nice back up plan in this pandemic period, if our food access becomes interrupted. I continue to be grateful for all that I have learned about dehydrating from you - for hiking and for global pandemics!" -Abra
"Thank You! Another great newsletter from you." -Steinar
"Your e-mails are a happy event in our in box. I really appreciate all the work you put into them. Happy Trails!" -Cathy
"I thoroughly enjoyed this month's newsletter. It's good to know there are others that sometimes must "dry, dry again." -Brittany
"Thank you for your newsletter and your stories – they are much enjoyed. You are my “go to” for all things dehydrated and trail worthy." -Janet
"I giggled my way through this email! So much fun to read! My husband and I will be using some of your recipes in 2022 as we overland in our Jeep through Colorado and Utah!" -Melanie