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Here are the most recent posts:
Best Dehydrated Beef Recipes: Beef Tortillas, Meatloaf, Beef Stir-Fry, Beef Stew, Chili, Mexican Beef & Rice, Unstuffed Peppers, Taco Mac, Meat & Potatoes…
Continue reading "Dehydrated Beef Recipes | Backpacking Chef’s Best"
How to core pineapple: Cut off top, align pineapple corer over core, rotate clockwise using gentle pressure, pull out corer, remove handle, slide off rings.
Dehydrating pineapple for home & trail. Techniques for selecting, preparing, drying, storing, and using dried pineapple in trail mix, fruit cocktail & meals.
Continue reading "Dehydrating Pineapple — Fresh, Canned & Delicious"
GSI Cookware Reviews. From the .6 L Minimalist, to the 1.1 L Soloist, and up to the 1.8 L Dualist, Backpacking Chef demonstrates how to cook with each GSI Pot.
GSI Pinnacle Canister Stove & Windscreen review shows how to attach the windscreen, and includes operating instructions, weights, dimensions, and boil times.
Continue reading "GSI Pinnacle Canister Stove & Windscreen Demonstration"
Chef Glenn’s Guide to Dehydrating Oranges. How to dehydrate orange slices and pieces, orange fruit leather, orange juice powder, and candied orange peels.
Continue reading "Dehydrating Oranges & Orange Fruit Leather | Fun Projects"
How to make chocolate covered oranges with dried oranges. Slice, dry, dip, or cover oranges completely with chocolate for amazing snacks, gifts or party favors.
Continue reading "Chocolate Covered Oranges: Take a Dip into Delicious!"
Recommended products for dehydrating food and cooking on the trail.
Guide to Dehydrating Tomatoes shows 7 ways to dry tomatoes and use them in recipes. It continues with how to dehydrate tomato sauce leather and tomato powder.
Continue reading "Dehydrating Tomatoes | 7 Ways to Slice, Dice & Season Them"
Dehydrating eggplant instructions for oven-roasting and stovetop cooking before drying in a dehydrator. Recipes include eggplant parmesan and ratatouille.
Continue reading "Dehydrating Eggplant for Backpacking Meals"
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